Physio-Veda is an innovative approach to management of selected musculoskeletal, neuromuscular and orthopaedic conditions. As the term itself indicates, Physio-Veda is a wise combination of well-established Manipulative Physiotherapy methods complemented by a range of Ayurvedic herbs and herbal oils.

Ayurveda  evolved as an ancient traditional medical system during the vedic  period and the medical wisdom propagated through Ayurvedic literature and practice is a refined form of medical knowledge found in the available Vedic manuscripts. The authenticity of Ayurveda as a medical system is reinforced by the fact that historians have established it as the oldest codified medical system in the world. Susrutha an Ayurvedic expert, is widely recognised as the father of Surgery. Long before the modern nutrition science developed as an independent branch of medicine, Charaka the father of Ayurvedic General Medicine, described in detail all the preventive and curative aspects of diet and even the food combinations with regard to compatibility and incompatibility.
Fundamental principles
 The basic theory of Ayurvedic manipulative therapy is derived from Ayurvedic  orthopaedics [salayathantra and marma therapy] and panchakarma [the five-fold cleansing therapy] . Modern physiotherapy assessment tools based on modern anatomy and physiology are combined with the traditional knowledge of vital points and treatment of specific musculoskeletal conditions.
Manipulative therapy utilizes the scope for accurate cost-effective diagnosis and appropriate evidence based management of pain and other disorders. Studies have proved that the best way of using manipulation is in combination with other therapeutic modalities. In practice it has been established that the combination of Ayurvedic modalities and selected physiotherapy methods is effective in the long-term management of specific musculoskeletal and neuro-muscular conditions.

Physio-Veda methods are based on Manipulative Physiotherapy and provide added benefit due to the use of Ayurvedic herbal oils and the traditional method of deep heat application using herbal bundles. Each session starts with a standard ‘warming-up’ therapy procedure consisting of medicated oil application and identification of the key trigger areas. Depending on the condition, deep manipulation of certain specific muscles is done followed by deep heat application either by herbal bundles or physio modalities. Linear or non-linear traction techniques are employed for decompression of joints and adjoining structures and stretching of the affected muscles is done to allow better range of movement.
In addition to these routine procedures, cooling-down sessions in the form of rest, medicated  rice-pudding therapy, oil pouch etc  are done for accentuated healing effect.
Oil pouch is a traditional Ayurvedic treatment which has been proven to reduce discogenic back pain by creating a zone of negative pressure in and around the affected intervertebral disc.
The duration of each therapy session may vary from 30 to 150 minutes.

How Physio-Veda therapy acts:
1.            Reduces pain and inflammation
2.            Causes muscle relaxation
3.            Strengthens connective tissue
4.            Improves range of movement [Skilful restoration of mobility to soft tissues and joints]
5.            Improves stability

The logic behind the use of herbal medicated oils for external therapies.
Ayurvedic  Hebal medicated oils fall under two categories.

  1. Oils that reduce inflammation
  2. Oils that promote tissue repair and healing

Ayurvedic  herbal oils are processed using the traditional methods where phytomolecules are bonded to fat molecules under controlled  conditions temperature and humidity which helps easy permeation of the specific active ingredient through the skin for better absorption and therapeutic effect.
 Commonly seen painful, chronic degenerative and disabling conditions like those related to the spine ,osteoarthritis, diabetic arthropathy and neuropathy etc are generally managed either by rehabilitation through physiotherapy on one side or surgery on the other. Unless in emergency conditions or where recovery is sure, surgery is not opted for by most patients. In such situation where quality of life is likely to be compromised, non-invasive methods used by alternative systems of medicine are  sought . This is where Physio-Veda becomes relevant as an effective alternative therapy. Diagnosis is based on neuromuscular functional anatomy and modern diagnostic methods.
Physio-Veda is based on systematic assessment and diagnosis of relevant conditions with a well-developed evaluation protocol and clinical reasoning processes and focuses on pain management and active rehabilitation.

 Standard  treatment protocol for Physio-veda therapy.
1.            Warming-up therapy
2.            Medicated oil application
3.            Manipulative physiotherapy methods
4.            Medicated oil pouch/ bandage/medicated oil pad
5.            Manual traction and stretching
6.          Mobilization of the affected joints
7.            Deep heat/cold application
8.          Cooling down therapy
9.            Exercises
10.          Diet (for conditions like osteoporosis)

The common conditions where Physio-Veda Therapy can be effectively used as a supportive measure include: Lower Back pain, Neck Pain, Shoulder Joint problems, Knee Joint conditions and rehabilitation for neuromuscular and movement disorders.
Contra indications for physioveda
Spondylolisthesis [Grade 2 and above], severe osteoporosis, infections and tumors, internal spinal fixation, cord compression, Septic arthritis of knee joint, TKR etc.




The stress encountered in daily life – Physical, environmental, physiological and psychological  - have a strong influence on our state of health.
Exercise is a form of good stress, but too much of it causes over-exertion and results in tissue damage or degeneration. Eg: Sports injuries
Physical daily routine can sometimes result in Repeated stress injuries.
All kinds of stress interferes with normal physiological functions of our body systems, resulting in subtle changes at the cellular level. The possible changes that occur as a result of these changes include cell imflammation and free radical accumulation.
Traditional Ayurvedic lifestyle(Dinacharya and Ritucharya) which includes periodical cleansing (Panchakarma) and the consistent use of specific herbs or herbal combinations to enhance immunity becomes relevant in the prevention of lifestyle disorders.


  • Healthy daily routine – The importance of improving normal physiological functions by maintain the health of the Digestive system by means of Ayurvedic diet (includes food, herbs, fasting etc)
  • Seasonal regimen  - Periodical cleansing (Panchakarma) is the most notable feature
  • Proper and adequate physical exercise (yoga exercises) and breathing
  • Psychological well being through meditation and positive thinking


The use of 5 purificatory procedures (induced vomiting, purgation, nasal cleansing, medicated enema, blood-letting) enables improved function of the body systems by triggering new pathways of improved cell communication. This improves elimination of free radicals from the cell , reduces cell inflammation , promotes tissue regeneration and accelerates the healing mechanism.


  • A comprehensive lifestyle modification program which works in almost the same way as an intensive Panchakarma course. Does not require in-house treatment unlike Panchakarma. No drastic cleansing procedures.
  • 21 Therapy sessions twice in a week – completed in 3 months
  • Combines the best of Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Physioveda for ensuring positive health.
  • Ayurvedic diet and regimen – incorporating healthy combinations of herbs and spices- individualized program based on body type.
  • Naturopathy diet – is by itself a cleansing and rejuvenating diet practice which gradually minimizes the effect of free radicals accumulated in the body, in a most natural way. Tender coconut water, Fruit and vegetable juices substitute normal diet (liquid fasting) to burn excess calories as well as to detoxify the system.
  • Physioveda – helps to relieve physical stress accumulated over time as a result of routine physical activity or injury. Shirodhara, Thakradhara and similar stress-relieving therapies are done according to specific needs/conditions.
  • Yoga, breathing exercises and meditation for enhancing psychological wellbeing.